It feels like I blinked and another year went by. I can picture myself at the end of 2017 dreaming of 2018, nervous that it would not be able to come close to 2017. I had just returned from 5 months living and traveling abroad in Australia and my life felt like an absolute dream. I was hiking and exploring the corners of the world, doing all the things I had dreamed of doing in high school. Looking forward, I was nervous that I would have trouble readjusting, jumping back into internships and school and that I would lose that sense of adventure in the bustle of everyday. But as I look back at 2018 I am so proud of myself. I spent 8 months of the year living in San Francisco for internships, and spent every free moment hiking, camping and breathing in the wilderness that surrounds the city, learning that I need that for myself to reset and feel centered. I started to really feel the self confidence that people have always told me that I have. I deepened friendships, made new connections and tried to be as fearless as possible. I dove deeper into photography and captured moments I know I will cherish for the rest of my life. I really began to take note and recognize what makes me happy and what doesn’t and tried to choose joy and positivity each day. I learned that laughter is the worlds best gift and that human beings come into your life at a specific time for a purpose and can teach you so much that you didn’t even know you needed to learn. That joy is contagious, magic is real and that you can really live the life your 10 year old self wrote about in journals if you put fear aside and jump in. I go through my photos from this past year and I get giddy that this is the life I am lucky enough to be living, which is why I think it is so important to take the time at the end of each year to let it all sink in. Life is grand and confusing and magical and strange, but man oh man it is so sweet, and how lucky we are to be living it and experiencing all the ups and downs and figuring it out as we go.

Looking forward to 2019, I know it will be a year of big life changes. I graduate in the beginning of the year and my life will no longer be pieced into 4 month increments. In August, I move to San Francisco full time to live and work and I couldn’t be more excited and also nervous to begin this new stage of my life. So, since it is the end of another year, it is time for the good ol’ goal setting. Each year I set goals so I have things to work on and be mindful of to keep myself growing in the new year. In 2019, I want to surround myself with nature as much as possible, to take photos of the everyday and keep working on my craft, to strengthen relationships and really focus on friendships that bring a light to my life, to keep working on that self-confidence and self-love, to be more patient, to keep following my heart, and to release control sometimes (just go with the flow bruh). I don’t have to know what I am doing every step of the way, I just need to continue to follow my intuition and my gut and I know it will lead me where I am supposed to be and I will be looking back this time next year thinking heck ya, it’s been another hell of a year.

Here are some of my favorite moments from the past year (musings continued after):

2 internships, 30 hikes, 7 gal pals, 1 apartment in Lower Haight, 20 rooftop sunsets, 5 campfires, 8 bowls of Pho, 20 sunrise, 2 cities, 7 waterfalls, 8 banana slugs, 10 hand stands, 30 trees hugged, 300 polaroids, 1 Women's March, 5 sunburns, 4 sandcastles, 13 mountains, 30 yoga classes, 8 face-swaps, 1 studio-shoot, 50 bike rides, 15 car jam sessions, 1 freezing cold dip, 7 national park, 10 state parks, 365 days of laughter, 2 epic road trips, 20 beaches, 30 terrible nature jokes and so many more amazing memories. Here’s to 2018 and to 2019 being just as epic. Thanks to everyone who has made this year one of the best yet.

Cheers - keleniak


See Ya Later

Another semester, another co-op, another amazing 4 months of adventures. I don’t even know how to begin to write this post because I don’t know how I am going to be able to put into words how thankful I am for the past 4 months.  

During the summer when I was applying for internships, one of my goals was to not come back to SF (lol) since I had already lived here for 2 semesters. I wanted to live in a different city on the West Coast and experience the design scene and pace of a new city. However when I read the description for the internship on the Brand Marketing team at Thumbtack something drew me in and I applied saying if I get this one, this will be the only reason I go back to San Francisco

From my first phone interview with Chi I was hooked and knew I wanted to work at Thumbtack. I never thought I would be so excited about an in-house role at a big company. I figured small agency life was for me and that was the realm I fit into in the design world. I was afraid of in-house design being monotonous, repetitive work where you typeset everything in the same font and had no play over creative at all. I feared it would just be pushing pixels. However, since Thumbtack is a newer company, they are still working on refining and developing their brand and working for them held so many opportunities to be a part of those big pushes. It’s mission also drew me in as they are focused on helping small businesses grow and giving people the tools to get things done faster and save time. The mission centers around people and not making money which I loved most of all. When I got offered the job, I figured what the heck, you haven’t worked in-house, you haven’t worked at a company bigger than 30 people, it seems pretty awesome - give it a go!

Spoiler alert, I freaking loved it. The ability to work with people from different teams on a variety of projects. The range of work. The mission. The fact that I could meet someone new everyday. The lunch, oh my goodness the lunch (TacKitchen kills it). The people. But my favorite part about working at Thumbtack was being apart of the Brand Marketing Team, who made Thumbtack feel like home from day 1. Everyday, I got to work with an insanely talented, passionate team of designers, copywriters, producers, photographers and videographers. From day 1, they welcomed me with so much love and support. They encouraged me to take on new tasks, to try new things, to explore my passions and to be experimental. Through this semester, I found a new confidence in my skills and myself and it was because of the environment these humans created. I am so proud of the work I was able to create with them, whether it was defining a new customer platform or planning the big studio shoot - working and collaborating with each of the team members was always fulfilling and always so much dang fun.

Thank you Thumbtack for the support, the encouragement, the creative space, the friendship, the jokes, the drinks and for your belief in me. And thank you for being the reason I came back to SF so I could remember how whole I feel in this city that has so much culture and is surrounded by so much magical wilderness. I can’t wait to be back after I graduate and keep creating, growing and learning with you.

Here is a collection of some of my favorites moments and memories from the semester (musings continued after):

1 amazing internship, 4 months, 4 roommates, 3 camping trips, 1 studio shoot, 8 face-swaps, 300 polaroids, 3 TV spots, 15 hikes, 5 waterfalls, 2 campfires, 80 hours of laughter, 1 work retreat, 4 sandcastles, 30 trees hugged, 3 plane trips, 8 mountains, 27 car jam sessions, 500 exclamations of YEET, 1 TaskMasters campaign, 1 freezing cold dip, 10 sunrises, 5 star-gazing nights, 10 rooftop sunsets, 1 epic sister road trip and so many more amazing memories. Holy cow has it been an amazing 4 months! Thank you to everyone who has had a part in it and has made me feel so alive and refreshed. I know I say it all the time, but I truly believe you can create the life you dream of. For me I am going to keep aiming to live a creative life that inspire others, spreading as much goodness as possible, and reminding people that magic is real if you know how to make it. I am heading back to Cincinnati for my last semester of University with a full heart and can’t wait to be back on the West Coast full time oh so soon.

Always - keleniak


Behind the Scenes

This past week, I got the opportunity to shoot Behind the Scenes (BTS) photos for Thumbtack’s big studio production and it was freaking awesome, holy cow! I feel so lucky the team gave me the opportunity to capture moments from the 5 day shoot and let me hang around on set. It was a crazy, full, amazing experience and I loved every moment of it.

For me, photography has been one of my biggest passions ever since I was little and would steal my Mom’s camera. Throughout high school, I really dove into it and tried to learn as much as I could. However, as I got into University I barely picked up my camera other than for the random photoshoot or school project. It wasn’t until studying abroad in Australia last year that I started to get back into it again and I am so so happy that I did. For me, there is nothing more rewarding than capturing experiences, making people see the beauty in themselves and sharing moments. Now-a-days, I don’t hike or do pretty much anything without my camera in hand and every moment of the day becomes a frame in my mind. Photography will always be a huge part of my life, so I am so happy that I got to really flex my muscles in a professional sense this past week and prove to myself that photography can be more than a side hobby. It was my first time doing BTS photography and I loved it. BTS is amazing as you get to capture so many moments all at once; all the work and passion that comes together to pull off such a big studio shoot. Plus you get to be sneaky and take photos without people knowing of them living in the moment and doing what they do best (the good stuff). I am so insanely grateful to the Thumbtack team for pushing me to pursue my interests and grow as a human and creative throughout this semester. Interning at Thumbtack has been the highlight of my University career and I can’t wait to come back and work with such an amazing, talented, crazy group of people after graduation - HECKYA!

Here are some of my favorites, shoutout to Will Miller for the killer lighting (musings continued after):

5 days, 2 camera, 1 burrito, 15 beers, 1 Greg, 30 pieces of cheese, 8 face-swaps, 4 chimichangas, 150 polaroids, 1 Airbnb, 1 awesome light set up, 3 TV spots, 20 pros, 1 awesome company, 5 new creative pals, 1576 BTS pics and some new found confidence in my photo skills – still pinching myself to make sure it was real. If you had told my 17 year old self that I would be living the life I had always dreamed of; hiking every weekend, designing in SF with amazing people, shooting BTS photography for a studio shoot, I never would have believed you. Life is rad my friends and if you go after what you love, you can do it all. I am so so so grateful and filled past the brim with happiness and disbelief.

Cheers - keleniak



Yosemite. What a place. This weekend was pure perfection with hiking, camping and the best group of adventure pals a girl could hope for. We left the city (not so) bright and early on Saturday at 4am and made it to Yosemite as the sky started to take shape and Half Dome was lit up. The best arrival present. We spend the rest of the day driving around Glacier Point Road, exploring the valley and hiking the Mist Trail to Vernal and Nevada falls (a butt burner, but dang worth it for the views). The entire park was the postcard of fall with bright leaves that coated the ground and fell from the sky, it was pure magic. We arrived at camp in darkness on Saturday night, which made waking up on Sunday morning even more wonderful as we had no idea what our surroundings looked like. We spent Sunday relaxing at camp and frolicking around Yosemite Valley searching for climbers high up on rocks. It was my definition of a perfect weekend and left me feeling refreshed physically and mentally.

Here are some pics <3 (musings continued after):

4 pairs of wet sneakers, 3 waterfalls, 5 meadows frolicked, 1 bear, 2 campfires, 1 camp, 4 pals, 1 early morning wake up call, 1000 stairs, 1 pair of purple shorts, 1 plaid shirt, 1 groutfit, 1 trendy outfit and so many laughs and chats later, I am so lucky to call Elizabeth, Jen and Jess pals. These co-ops in SF have brought us all close and our adventures together always leave me refreshed and renewed. I am so thankful that University has brought me experiences like these and friends like them.

Cheers - keleniak


This & That

I realized that I have been posting pictures and thoughts from my big weekend trips but not from the ones in-between. Each weekend has been full of so many adventures and special moments but some haven’t given me enough content for a full post. So now you get a bunch in one! Below you will find photos from visiting my friend in SoCal, staying at Coastanoa for a work retreat, hiking the Dipsea trail with pals and a visit from my favorite 5 year old cousin.

I also wanted to take a chance in this post to talk about some strengths. At work we have been working through a Strength Finder program to see where our personal strengths live. We also are doing the program to learn about other team members strengths and see how we can leverage them to work better together as a team. Taking the survey was super interesting as it helped me make sense of where my strengths lie and how I can use them to my advantage. Below are my top 5 strengths and the different characteristics that make them up. Reading and learning about each of these has been super enlightening for me and has made me learn a lot about myself and why I thrive in certain situations/don’t thrive in others. I also included a blurb under each on how I can keep working on these strengths. Throughout my life, I know my top 5 will shift and morph but if I am conscious of how I can use these strengths in the best way, I am not only helping others, but I am helping myself.

  1. Positivity - quick to give praise and smile, has enthusiasm, always sees the up-side, gets others excited, people want to be around you, feels that it is good to be alive, never loses sense of wonder, excited about doing things and getting others excited, cheerful and easy-going

    1. How can I continue to work on this skill - plan celebrations to celebrate success, encourage others, spend time in positive environments, recognize challenges and communication reason for optimism, arm yourself with good jokes, stories and sayings, help others to see the positive

  2. Developer - sees potential in others, feels as though no individual is fully formed, drawn toward people to help them grown, wants to help others succeed, can interpret moods of others and sense what they feel and think, knows when to react and how, wants to have a meaningful impact on the plant and people

    • How can I continue to work on this skill - seek roles that facilitate growth, notice when others succeed and tell them, mentor, encourage others, help people see the true potential and talent in themselves

  3. Empathy - senses emotions around, understands peoples point of view even if you don’t agree, knows the right words and right tone to use, helps give voice to emotion, has feelings of success depending on how others judge results, feels honored when people trust and share emotions thoughts and needs

    • How can I continue to work on this skill - help others be aware of others emotions, serve someone as a confidant and mentor, gage emotional tone in a room and bridge understanding, comfort others non-verbally with a smile

  4. Woo (winning others over) - value making connections, likes the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over, strangers are energizing, asks questions and strike conversations, seek to make discoveries of unique traits

    • How can I continue to work on this skill - choose a job where you can interact with people, join local organizations, in social situations interact with reserved people, help put others at ease, charm and engage others

  5. Communication - loves to explain, describe, host, speak and write, finds a need to bring things to life and energize them, wants ideas to survive, enjoys piquing interest, inspires others to act, likes to work and be around others, people and conversations motivate, appreciates candid and concise conversations

    • How can I continue to work on this skill - pay close attention to your audience when presentations, make your message have substance, volunteer for opportunities to present

(I also have done some other personality tests and incase anyone was curious my Enneagram number is 2w3, and my Myers-Briggs is ENFJ).

Now back to my adventures, here are a collection of photos from this & that. Enjoy!

1.5 months, 1 work retreat, 1 five year old, 500 trees, 4 hikes, 3 drives, 10 beers, 4 pals, 4 sand castles, 2 sandwiches, 1 study-abroad pal, 5 trees hugged and so many other things I am forgetting. I love this blog because it allows me to share not only the big moments but the in-between moments. Capturing these moments has been my main reason for sticking with photography and doing this blog. It allows me to look back at a genuine moment and remember it. Life has been so good and I want to remember all these incredible adventures and beautiful people.

xo - keleniak



Portland has always been a place that I have dreamed of visiting and potentially living. For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to the laid-back lifestyle and the importance people who live there place on nature and community. And best of all it’s surrounded by unreal wilderness, mountains and coast-line galore! This past weekend I got to spend a whirl-wind 36 hours in Portland with one of my good pals Viet. Viet and I met early on in DAAP and he has been one of my closest friends in DAAP ever since. Not only can he keep up with my weird antics and jokes but he pushes me to consider things I never have before and think about life in a different way. Viet, thank you not only for your hospitality this weekend but for always keeping me thinking about important things and grooving to new tunes. You are one of the most genuine people I have met that has a curiosity for life and a courage to spark conversations we all need to hear. Thanks for showing me around the magical place you get to call home for a semester. Spending 36 hours there was definitely to short, but it was enough to give me a taste of the magical place that is Portland and make me want more.

This weekend was also full of lots of chats about the future as we edge toward our final semester of school. The conversation centered around what keeps people rejuvenated and how important it is to surround yourself with people that lift you up. For me I am energized, rejuvenated and inspired by being in nature (who’s surprised?!). There is nothing better for me than being out of breath at the top of a mountain after a long hike surrounded by the sounds and smells of nature. It makes my soul sing and blows my mind to be amongst nature appreciating it and hugging lots of trees. I am also energized by being around other people and being able to collaborate. When thinking about the future, I know that I need to live in a city that has beautiful wilderness closely accessible (which is why I think I am drawn to the west coast and especially the PNW). But I also need to work at a place that has constant collaboration and human connection. I am at my best when I can spend my weekends lost on a trail and my weeks in the office (if they have to be in an office) with awesome humans who not only inspire/accept me but push me to be my best doing work that does more than just feed corporate America.

This is a huge part of the reason I love where I am right now. This is my first time working for a company bigger than 30 people. It is also my first time working in-house for a brand, instead of doing agency work. But here I am, at a 600+ person company, absolutely smitten. At Thumbtack, I am on the Brand Marketing Team, meaning I get to work everyday with other brand designers, copywriters, producers and a photo video team. Being able to work on a smaller Brand Marketing team within a huge company is awesome. You get to know a core group of humans, but you also have the ability to meet someone new and work with other teams errryyyyday, which is amazing! Each day I have the ability to interact with so many humans and I get to explore a brand to a level I haven’t had the opportunity/time to do at an agency. As I work through my last internship and my final semester of school in the fall, I have been trying to be very perceptive to what I love/don’t love about design and what I could see my future morphing into. Who knows what exactly is going to happen - but if it’s got nature and good people, things are looking good!

Here are some photos from this weekend (musings continued after):

1 BBQ joint, 500 exclamations of YEET, 6 corn-dogs, 1 state, 2 new friends, 1 night market, 4 mountains, 1 beach, 5+ wanders, 2 donuts, 1 photo booth, 800 inhales of pine tree smell, 1 amazing Thai place, 47 repeats of the same joke, 1 car jam session and so many giggles and life chats later – I am back in SF reminiscing on the A++ of weekends. I am so grateful to friends hospitality and kindness so that I can experience new places and fall in love further with the PNW.

Cheers - keleniak



I have always dreamed of the Pacific Northwest. The foggy, rainy, crisp weather, the mountains, the pine trees, the promise of an adventure at every turn – it sounded like a dream. Being in California for another semester, I made a promise to myself to make sure I got up to the corner of the country I had day-dreamed of for so long. Thanks to beautiful friends in beautiful places I was able to make it happen (Sara, you’re the greatest!).

Let me tell you, Seattle did not disappoint. There were endless National Parks and trails to explore and endless adventures to go on. How could I choose what to do?! All I have to say is 48 hours is not enough time to explore all that Seattle has to offer (all the more reason to go back). But in those 48 hours I was able to fall in love with it all and realize that this magical place was just as I had dreamed it would be. The pine trees and mountains brought be back to where I grew up in Canada and made my heart sing. The world is such a beautiful, majestic place and I feel so lucky that I get to experience beautiful places like Seattle. Who knows maybe one day I will end up in the PNW!

1 foggy drive to Mt. Rainier, 1 (way to small) serving of mac & cheese, 1 comfy ass bed, 1 National Park, 2 gal pals, 2 zipcars, 5 spotting of Mount Rainier, 3 patches, 1 burger, 2 trail falls and so many life chats later, my weekend in Seattle was pure perfection. I am so thankful to have friends that let me stay with them and experience new places. Here’s to finding new adventures and getting out and exploring all the beautiful places in the world.

Cheers - keleniak


Lake Tahoe

This weekend at Lake Tahoe was pure magic. Thanks to a co-workers change of plans and kindness, my friends and I got lucky and he gave us his camping spot at Emerald Bay State Park right by Lake Tahoe for the three day weekend. The location was amazing and was a short walk away from 360 views of Lake Tahoe and minutes from epic hikes. We spent the weekend sleeping under an insane sky full of stars, hiking rocky mountains and jumping in icy lakes. It was the perfect way to spend my first weekend back on the coast. 

Starting this last semester of co-op has been weird as it slowly hits me that I am in my last two semesters of school before I graduate (which means I need to think about what I want to do with my life after grad, ahhhh). These co-ops have been an amazing opportunity for me to live in new places, learn about myself and figure out what I want out my life and career. I am so excited about the journeys I have been able to go on and the people I have been able to meet and I can't wait to see how this last semester of co-op turns out (it's already been amazing). Life is crazy and it moves fast and thanks to great people and weekend full of camping and adventures I have no fear that if I keep doing what I love and following my heart the future is gonna be just as bad ass as the present.  

Here are some of the mems from this weekend (musings continued after):

1 calzone, 1 night star-gazing, 3 lakes, 5 walks to the camp-site lookout, 1 alarm bird, 3 gal pals, 10 dirty toes, 1 freezing cold dip, 1 fire-master, 2 debates, 1 owl hooting away, 2 sunrises, 1 epic hike and so many life chats and giggles later I am so grateful to the gals for a perfect first weekend back in California. Can't wait to take this last co-op semester to enjoy life, adventure and reflect on the past few years as I think about the next. It's an exciting time folks. Stay tuned!

Cheers - keleniak


Road Trippin'

Growing up Meg and I were lucky to get to go on road trips with our parents every summer, exploring and driving across different provinces in Canada and states in the US. We would spend weeks in the car seeing new sites, doing activity books and stopping at random rest stops to eat lunches Mom packed us out of the cooler. It is one of my favorite memories from my childhood and those trips made me love road tripping and exploration and appreciate how much of a place you can experience by just driving.

This past week Meg and I got to get back to our roots and road tripped across the country to San Francisco for my last internship (WHAT). The road trip took things full circle for me and brought back those same moments and joys of road tripping as a kid (with a little less "are we there yet?"). It was also the perfect last hoo-rah, sister adventure for Meg and I as she gets ready to move to Chicago for a big-kid, full time job. We got to see old friends, hike through beautiful landscapes and sing a little to loudly to Mama Mia – all the signs of a great road trip. 

Throughout life Meg and I have had similar passions which has brought us to pursue similar career paths with Graphic Design. I am forever thankful for this because it allowed us to study at the same University and gave us four years to grow even closer. Meg has been my person and confidant for 21 years and it is so scary for me to think about going back to Cincinnati in 4 months and her not being there. It is the beginning of a new chapter for both of us which is terrifying but so exciting. She is going to do amazing things and I know this new start in Chicago is going to be the beginning of an beautiful, thoughtful, wild adventure for her and I could not be more excited. Meg, thank you for putting up with me for not just these past 8 days in the car but for the past 21 and pushing me to follow my heart and love who I am. You have given me so much and I can't even begin to thank you enough for being you. Chicago is gaining a bad ass, amazing woman. I love you so much.

Here are some of my favorite mems from the trip (musings continued after):

1,000s of miles, 11 states, 100 WILD views, 8 days, 4 pieces of New Mexico jewelry, 800 Sonic's in Texas, 2 National Parks, 1 poopy smelling airstream trailer, 1 rainy hike, 50 "seaweed" clusters, lots of giggles, 1 book, 5 full run throughs of the Mama Mia soundtrack, and no one I would have rather shared it with. Meg, you are the greatest best friend and sister I could ever ask for. I am so thankful that we got to adventure together for a week before you move to Chicago and start your big girl job and I start my last internship. You are going to take Chicago by storm and know I am always cheering you on and screaming THAT'S MY SISTER. Love you so incredibly much. 

Cheers - keleniak



It's crazy to believe that another semester has come and gone. San Francisco has held a special place in my heart since I first moved out here two years ago for my first internship. It was my first time by myself in a new city and my first internship in a field that I was still trying to figure out if I belonged in. That semester was a big learning experience for me. I fell in love with the city and the west coast, I learned what it was like to work at a design agency and I discovered how many possibilities there are within the field of design. I left that semester with a depended passion for exploration and the outdoors and a renewed confidence in who I was and that I had found a major that I loved. Fast-forward to two years later with 2 internships in Cincinnati, 1 semester abroad in Australia and here I was back in San Francisco. 

This semester I was lucky enough to work on the in-house design team at Grow Marketing, a Experiential Marketing Agency focused on brand experiences. On the team, I was able to help develop and execute creative designs for brand launches, pop-ups, conferences, and other activations. Experiential/Environmental design was something I hadn't had the opportunity to work in before and I loved it. Thinking of things in terms of how people are going to interact with it in a 3D space is fascinating. The environment at Grow was also amazing. They care so deeply for their employees and it was inspiring to be surrounded by so many hardworking, creative, determined people. They taught me that a job should be an extension of yourself and your values and interests and I am so thankful for a semester working for this wonderful company. 

Coming into this semester I was nervous. Having come from a semester abroad where most of my concerns centered around what adventures I would be getting into the next weekend to working 40 hours a week was a hard transition. It led to its ups and downs but as I look back at the semester I can't help but smile. Each weekend held a new adventure, a new hike, or someone coming to visit which kept me alive and content. I became so close with my gal pals and roommates and I am so thankful to them for always being down for an adventure, a random wander around the city or a deep conversation about life. The apartment I lived in this time was in Lower Haight, centralized to so many great bars and restaurants and parks making it an amazing place to live. San Francisco yet again reminded me that if I keep following my heart and my passions I will find where I am supposed to be. So thank you to every beautiful soul I had the privilege of getting to know and adventure with this semester - you all rock! 

Here are some of my favorite moment from the semester (musing continued after):

1 camping trip, 15 hikes, 5 gal pals, 1 apartment in Lower Haight, 3 bowls of Pho, 1 city, 3 waterfalls, 8 banana slugs, 10 hand stands, 1 Women's March, 5 sunburns, 12 yoga classes, 3 bike rides, 5 car sing-a-longs, 1 national park, 7 state parks, 2 zip-cars, 7 beaches, 30 terrible nature jokes, 3 embroidered pairs of jeans, 1 internship, 7 visitors, 4 happy hours, 20 sunsets, 10 sunrises, 6 stops at the Golden Gate Bridge, 3 teary goodbyes and just like that, my 4th semester of co-op is officially over. Coming back to Cincinnati and a semester in DAAP is going to be an adjustment. But I know that if I follow my heart and my gut I will figure out where I am supposed to be and make the most of it. This time next year I will be a graduate of UC, so here is a reminder to myself to take a breathe and enjoy where I am right now because it will be over in the blink of eye.

Cheers - keleniak
