Big Sur

This past weekend I finally made it down to Big Sur and it was pure bliss. It has always been a goal of mine to spend a weekend camping there and thanks to co-workers lending us gear, my gal pals and I were able to make it happen. Since it was dark when we got there on Friday, waking up on Saturday morning was incredible. Stepping out of the tent and seeing the light stream through the grove of redwoods all around us was pure magic. We spent the weekend hiking in Pfieffer State Park, driving Highway 1, wandering down to hidden ocean coves, traversing across streams to beaches and getting lucky enough to see the sunset from Pfieffer beach. It felt so good to get away from the city, to turn of my phone and just exist in nature for 3 days. I forgot how much weekends camping, surrounded by the outdoors, a sky full of stars and adventurous promises refuel me and make me so deeply happy. It was an amazing weekend, spent with people that I have gotten very close to this semester and left me re-centered and refreshed. 

Side blurb: In yoga a few weeks ago we talked about finding your dharma. Dharma is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates to righteous living. It means that by fulfilling our life purpose, we will also in some way be contributing to the greater good. In short it is about finding your destiny and that by following the things that feel right and fueling our passions we are accepting our dharma. Everyday we see people living their dharma, doing something that seems so engraved in their soul that it makes you stop in your tracks. It may be singing or painting or working with children or public speaking. A lot of the times when you see someone else in their dharma it inspires you to want to do whatever they are doing. I can't count the times when I have seen someone be good at something and said to myself "ooo I should try that". Yet that is not our dharma. Your dharma comes from following your soul and listening to the things that make you feel at peace and content. By asking yourself - What is it that I am most passionate aboutwhat makes me come alive when I am doing it? No matter where you are in your life, your soul has a way of taking you back to these places of content, you just have to let it lead. For me I have always felt like I have been searching for my dharma. I want to feel so deeply invested in something that it oozes out of me and inspires others around me. But through that yoga class and doing more research into dharma I know that I have to stick to what I feel is right and what makes me happy and that will lead me to my dharma. Following my love for photography, the outdoors, education, design, people and travel and by asking myself each day what I am grateful for. This will allow me to stay grounded in gratitude and love for what I have and help me realize the amazing opportunities I am given each day. This gratitude will help me find my dharma and play a huge role in how I look at my life and the quality of my life.

Here are some photos from the weekend, which in no way do it enough justice (musings continued after):

3 campfire meals, 4 hikes, 1 river crossing, 2 sunsets, 2 skies full of star, 1 sun burn, 1 weekend, 1 touristy waterfall, 7 avocados, 4 gal pals, 1 tent, 1 banana slug, 3 state parks, 4 surfers, 3 apples, 8 hand stands, 2 shared PB&Js, 3 polaroids, 1 disposable camera, 2 golden retrievers, 1 close encounter with Mandy Moore and 2 nights later I am feeling so thankful and refreshed. Here is to cherishing my last week and a half in California and soaking up as much sunshine and positive vibes as I can.

Cheers - keleniak


Angel Island & Big Basin Redwoods

It's been a few weeks since I have posted (sorry Mom) - so get ready for multiple adventures in one post! Two weekends ago, I finally made it over to Angel Island, a state park just off the coast of SF that you can get to by ferry. Deemed the "Ellis Island of the West", it has incredible heritage and some great hiking trails with sweeping views of the city and Marin. Can't believe I have never adventured over to it before. It has for-sure become one of my favorite places close to the city. Then this past weekend, my dad came into town and we had big plans to adventure down to Yosemite on Saturday. However due to rain and flooding the Valley was closed and we had to improvise. We headed down the coast along Highway 1 and cut in-land to explore Big Basin Redwoods State Park. The day was spent trying to wrap our arms around as many big trees as possible and searching for any signs of a 'sass'quatch and it was pure brilliance. Sometimes cancelled plans turn into amazing spontaneous adventures and this day was the perfect example of that. So thankful to have a Dad that will come and visit me and hike around big trees and talk about life, dreams and goals with me. Love you Daddio!

Here are some photos from the past few weeks (musings continued after):

7 banana slugs, 5 beers, 3 hikes, 1 father tree, 1 flooded National Park, 4 In & Out burgers, 1 jammin' Spotify playlist, 5 sunsets, 1 ferry ride session of yoga, 3 bike rides, and so many chats and laughs later I am officially in my last 3 weeks in SF. It's insane how quickly my time here has gone by, but here's to soaking in as many west coast adventures as I can in the next two weeks and keeping the stoke alive while I am back in Ohio. Get ready for a hella sappy post in 2 weeks! 

Cheers - keleniak


Ell & Les

This past week two of my dearest buds, Ellie and Leslie, came to visit. These two have been by my side through every moment of university. I met Leslie on move in day as I walked around the hallway of my dorm searching for someone to eat dinner with. Lucky enough she agreed and I haven't let her get rid of me ever since. Ellie, I met the summer after our first year when we were both orientation leaders. We have been there for each other through every PAC event, CO-OP, random party, trivia night, study abroad and everything in between. Not only are Ellie and Leslie wonderful friends but they are both insanely inspiring women. Leslie has a huge heart and a soul of pure gold. Her laugh instantly makes you smile and laugh, even if you have no idea what she is laughing at. Ellie, with her fiery spirit, has a passion and a drive that are unmatchable. These gals are going to do some incredible things in life and I am so incredibly lucky to be able to call them my friends. To Elle & Les, thank you for not only coming out to see me in SF but for always being there for me even when my life takes me away from Cincinnati for over a year. I don't know what I did to deserve friends as great as you. (Also shoutout to Kat, even though you couldn't come, love and miss you lots).

Here is some pics from part of our adventure (musings continued after):

7 self-timed photos, 2 gal pals, 10 jokes about shoulders, 2 pizzas, 3 ice-cream references, 1 Jeff, 6 free beers, 1 zip-car, 6 beaches, 5 days of fog and so many laughs and hugs later, I am so thankful that these two would cross the country to come visit and explore California with me. While life may take us different ways on new adventures, I have no doubt that I have found friends for life with these two. Love ya!

Cheers - keleniak


Alamere Falls

Weekends living in San Francisco are my absolute favorite as they always hold the possibility of new adventures. While I love living in the city, the best part about it's location is how close it is to so many national and state park. You get the best of both worlds, a lively city surrounded by coastal views and rolling hills. This weekend we headed out to Point Reyes National Seashore and did the 12 mile hike to Alamere Falls. It made for a perfect day surrounded by trees, rolling hills and the coast. There is nothing I needed more than to get outside for some fresh salty air to clear my head. Huge shoutout to my buds in SF for always being down to explore new places and for putting up with my crazy antics and constant excitement for the outdoors. 

Side blurb: Normally when I write blog posts, I try to be optimistic and energetic about the future and the possibilities of what my life can hold. However, I want to be transparent and honest through these posts. While I try to be optimistic in my day to day, there are so many days where I have a heavy heart and my soul feels exhausted with not knowing what to do with my life and wondering about the future. I feel like I am a big turning point in my life. I have a year left of school and my whole future lays ahead of me. Yet there are so many unknowns, which can be so exciting but it can also be so intimating and exhausting. I talk about wanting adventures and new experiences constantly, yet getting there is sometimes hard to think about and the fear of not getting there is terrifying. I know I will figure it out and life will take me where I need to go. But sometimes the journey there can be tough and trying. So, here's to realizing that there are good days and bad days and sometimes you just have to put a lil' trust in life's plan and know that it will all work out. 

1 12 mile hike, 4 waterfalls, 15 handstands, 30 terrible nature jokes, 2 car jams, 2 bucket hats, 1 missed trail marker, 2 unstable cliff climbs, 4 gal pals and a heck of a lot of laughter later my soul is full of so much salty air and rolling hills. I wish I could live in moments like this every day. But here's to figuring out this crazy thing we call life one day at a time. 

Cheers - keleniak



This past Friday, Meg flew in to San Francisco to spend the weekend with me. Something I am so incredibly grateful for as she is in midst of working on her capstone and getting ready to graduate in 2 short months (WHAT). But she still took the time to come out and hang out with me in SF, how lucky am I?! It was the perfect weekend full of adventures and of course lots of amazing (gluten and dairy free) food. 

The weekend flew by quickly but it was so nice to be able to catch up and spend quality time with just her. We were able to see each other for a couple weeks at Christmas, but between family visiting and the general craziness of the holidays, it felt like we didn't have a moment to just sit and catch up on life. As I sat doing laundry a few hours ago after she left for the airport, it hit me how much our conversations and time together leave me centered and hopeful. Meghan has always inspired me, something I talk about often because she has been a huge influence in who I am. Every time we are able to have time one-on-one I am reminded of the amazing person she is. She has the spirit of someone much older and wiser than her and has always had the ability to see things in different, powerful perspectives. She is analytical, passionate, wildly sarcastic and cares so deeply for people and issues close to her heart. It takes a while for her to trust, but when she trusts you, she trusts and cares for you with her whole, fiery heart of gold. Being able to talk to her about the future, about dreams, about my day to day life, is something I live for and being able to do that this weekend was just what I needed. 

Here are some photos from the weekend (musings continued after):

3 days, 1 gluten free pizza, 2 near falls, 1 road trip, 2 sunsets, 1 zipcar, 4 cocktails, 3 embroidered pairs of jeans, 2 bags of gummy worms, 4 beaches, 1 museum, 2 Eleniaks and so many amazing conversations later, I feel ready to tackle the world. Thank you Meg for being the best big sister and inspiration a little sis could ask for. As graduation gets closer for you, I get more and more freaked out about the possibility of you moving far away from me. But I am so thankful that you are stuck with me for life and can't wait to see all the incredible things you do and places you go.

Cheers - keleniak


Hello Again

"Are you going to start blogging again?" The question Mom asked me this week as I ooed and awed on the phone with her about a weekend trip to Pinnacles National Park. Thinking about it now, I honestly don't know why I stopped. While I did start this blog as a way to share my experiences abroad in Australia, it doesn't have to stop now that that experience is over. While I was there, this blog became a creative space for me to share photos and reflect on my experiences, something I still want to be doing. So I apologize to my loyal readers (aka Mom). I am back, a month and a half later, with a solid chunk of new adventures and cultural-readjustment to fill you in on, with a special new tab in the menu dedicated to this new adventure.

Being back in the US has been a whirlwind. I was home (for what feels like a mil-a-second) in December to catch up with friends and family before hopping on a plane for my next adventure to a place that holds a very special place in my heart. San Francisco. SF was my first solo adventure when 2 years ago I moved across the country for my first internship. During that semester, I found my passion for exploring new places and the reward of putting myself in new/scary/unknown situations. Having the opportunity to come back here 2 years later, 3 internships smarter, was an exciting one. This time I am working in the heart of the city for a marketing firm called Grow Marketing. A bad ass, female run agency that kills the experiential marketing game (if you don't know what experiential marketing is, give it a quick google, super cool stuff). I am living in Lower Haight, which is in the perfect location, with some awesome roommates who are as eager to explore as I am. My weekends have been full of new adventures and new places. From exploring the coast with my Dad, to Maddy (one of my oldest friends) coming down from Canada to visit, to road-tripping down to SLO to visit Jess, to hiking in Muir Woods and Pinnacles National Park, it's already been one adventure after the other.

Side blurb: While I am so happy to be back in SF and back on the West coast, it's been interesting readjusting to normal life, or should I say 8-5 office life. Reverse cultural shock hasn't been as bad as I was expecting, though you bet your booty I yearn everyday for the adventurous promises of a semester abroad and the amazing landscapes of Australia. But I have been struggling with the looming stress of what the future holds. Before studying abroad, Australia was my direct future. It was what I looked forward to since my 2nd year of Uni. Now here I am, post study-abroad with 1 internship and 2 semesters left of school thinking, what comes next? I know I don't have to have it all figured out but sometimes its hard not to get caught up in a deep hole of WTF (what the future). If money wasn't an issue I immediately know the answer to what I want from the future. I would live in new countries and cities and travel the US and Canada exploring every National Park. I would fight for the outdoors and use photography to document everything and share stories of far off places to inspire change and hope. Every one of my dreams and desires stems from a deep love of adventure and the outdoors. However, finding a way to do that while making a living is a puzzle I have been struggling with for years. So with this semester I pledge to find a way to make the future I have always dreamed of a reality. To do research and ask questions, to be honest with what I want and not settle for anything less that what is going to make me happy. If you have any tips - send them over!

Here are some pics of the past 4 weeks (musing continued after):

5 sunsets, 8 coastal views, 4 hikes, 6 stops to stare at the Golden Gate Bridge, 1 Women's March, 3 weekends of adventures, 4 new roommates, 1 new job, 2 sandwiches on Dutch crunch, 1 road-trip, 1 National Park and a heck of a lot of memories later, here we are SF Round 2. While I am still trying to get back in the flow of everyday life, I know that if I take it one day at a time I will be able to figure out this wild thing we like to call life and what I am supposed to do with it. 

Cheers - keleniak
