Lake Tahoe

This weekend at Lake Tahoe was pure magic. Thanks to a co-workers change of plans and kindness, my friends and I got lucky and he gave us his camping spot at Emerald Bay State Park right by Lake Tahoe for the three day weekend. The location was amazing and was a short walk away from 360 views of Lake Tahoe and minutes from epic hikes. We spent the weekend sleeping under an insane sky full of stars, hiking rocky mountains and jumping in icy lakes. It was the perfect way to spend my first weekend back on the coast. 

Starting this last semester of co-op has been weird as it slowly hits me that I am in my last two semesters of school before I graduate (which means I need to think about what I want to do with my life after grad, ahhhh). These co-ops have been an amazing opportunity for me to live in new places, learn about myself and figure out what I want out my life and career. I am so excited about the journeys I have been able to go on and the people I have been able to meet and I can't wait to see how this last semester of co-op turns out (it's already been amazing). Life is crazy and it moves fast and thanks to great people and weekend full of camping and adventures I have no fear that if I keep doing what I love and following my heart the future is gonna be just as bad ass as the present.  

Here are some of the mems from this weekend (musings continued after):

1 calzone, 1 night star-gazing, 3 lakes, 5 walks to the camp-site lookout, 1 alarm bird, 3 gal pals, 10 dirty toes, 1 freezing cold dip, 1 fire-master, 2 debates, 1 owl hooting away, 2 sunrises, 1 epic hike and so many life chats and giggles later I am so grateful to the gals for a perfect first weekend back in California. Can't wait to take this last co-op semester to enjoy life, adventure and reflect on the past few years as I think about the next. It's an exciting time folks. Stay tuned!

Cheers - keleniak
