New Zealand

For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of exploring the landscape and hiking the amazing mountains in New Zealand. So for my last two weeks abroad you bet your booty I finally made it there. With two friends, we spent 12 days exploring both islands. We started in the South Island in Christchurch, winding our way through Lake Tekapo, Mount Cook, Oamaru, Dunedin, Queenstown, Milford Sound, Wanaka, Haast Pass and finally going to Franz Josef. We rented a car and had the freedom to stop and go as we pleased and to really take in our surroundings and enjoy each place. We hiked Roy's Peak and part of Mount Cook, kayaked in Milford Sound, climbed glaciers in Franz Josef and saw more sunsets and sunrises than my heart could handle. After 9 days in the South Island, we headed over to the North Island to explore Auckland, Rotura, Lake Taupo, Mount Ruapehu, hike the world famous Tongariro Alpine Crossing and of course got to Hobbiton and see the Shire. The landscape on the North Island was dominated by rolling greens hills that held the possibility of hidden hobbits and geothermal pools in every direction. Overall, the landscape of NZ is ever changing, a constant shift of mountains and rolling hills, of purple flowers and pine trees. Every turn reveals a new landscape with a constant 360 view of mountains as the roads dip and turn through beautiful wilderness. It was everything I had dreamed of and more. 

Here is an abundance of photos, it was too hard to narrow them down any more (musings continued after):

3 incredible hikes, 4 sunrises, 1 star gazing session, 12 days, 2 islands, 1 helicopter, 2 Americans, 1 glacier, 1 Brit, 1000 mountains, 18 PB&Js, 2 small cars, 1 killer burger, 3 hostels with working wifi, 1 kayaking trip, 5 lakes, 1 geyser, 2 Taylor Swift jam sessions and so many laughs and adventures later my heart is bursting with love for NZ. This trip was the perfect end to my time abroad. Spending 12 days surrounded by beautiful landscapes, adventurous people and amazing vibes was enough to keep me going for the next 5 years. So here is not only to New Zealand but also Australia for a semester full of wonderful adventurers and a much needed life cleanse. I am heading home ready to tackle anything and work to achieve all my dreams and goals. This will be my last blog post for a while, so to every one that followed along or read random posts here and there, you rock!

Cheers - keleniak


A Farewell

As my last few days in Australia are coming to a swift end, I wanted to take the time to reflect on my time here. Australia for me started as a new beginning, a way to take some time to figure out if I was heading in the right direction and learn more about who I am and what I want. Yet it has been so much more than that. Learning about who I want to be and what I want to do doesn’t start and end while I am young, I believe that it keeps on changing and shifting based on what part of life I am in. Australia has opened my eyes up to the possibilities of the world, to the beauty of others, and the excitement of new adventures and new friendships. It has taught me to be brave, to take advantage of time and to constantly let go and just live. I am going to miss walking around the laneways in Melbourne, digging my toes into the sand on a new beach, hiking up new mountains, flying to new cities and feeling so content and at peace. Each week I challenged myself to do something new or slightly scary and it turned into a pretty rad list of accomplishments: I explored, saw the most beautiful landscapes, met incredible people, went on winery tours, met the greatest Aussie - Joey, went to an AFL game, drove on the other side of the car/road, saw the 12 (actually 8) Apostles, skied on some Australian pow, held a cockatoo, road a scooter around the streets of Bali, went on some REAL adventures, searched for koalas in the wild, saw more waterfalls than I can count, explored Tasmania, surfed in Torquay, saw the Sydney Opera House, relaxed in hot springs, held a koala, slept in a camper van in Byron Bay, jumped out of an airplane, snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef, explored the West coast of Australia, saw Vance Joy perform in his home town of Melbourne and met the greatest group of friends from all over the world. It’s been an incredible 5 months that I will remember for the rest of my life and I am so insanely thankful for every beautiful, crazy moment. 

Top 5 Things I’ve Learnt While Studying Abroad:

  1. People make an experienceNo matter where you are or what you are doing, the best part of any experience is the people you share it with. The laughs, stories, talks of far off places, the sharing of dreams and goals. Knowing what makes people tick and understanding where they come from and who they are, that is what fills my heart. Throughout this experience I have been able to make so many connections with people from all over the world and I catch myself feeling so incredibly happy and full of energy when I am around them. When I look back at this experience, while I do remember the amazing places I have been, what I truly remember is how I felt while I experienced those places and that is all due to the people I was with. Having a wonderful group of friends from all over the world made me think different, pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow in so many ways. The car rides, surf trips, nights playing pool, adventures through the city, beers on random rooftops - those memories are what will stay with me because I was with people that made me feel alive and laugh till the point of crying. So thank you to every beautiful soul that made me laugh and stayed up talking way to late with me - you forever have a huge part of my heart. 
  2. Being abroad is incredible - Coming to Australia was not a big culture shock for me. I didn't have to struggle to learn a new language, the city ran the same as one in Canada or the US would and at first glance it felt familiar. Yet there was still so much to discover about the history and geography of where I was, about the people and the best part about the slang - ooo buddy, Australians have the best slang. Living abroad in Australia has opened my eyes up to the possibilities of living abroad. Moving forward, I know that at some point in my life I would like to live and work abroad. To experience a new country and culture and be there for longer than a week traveling. For some people going to a country for a week or a few days is enough but I love being able to stay for a long period of time and understand a place on a deeper level. To make connections, experience new places, find hidden spots, understand the train system, to truly feel like a local, learning everything there is to know about a place and exploring the beauty of every area of it. 
  3. Adventure exists everyday - This is something that I have always strongly believed. It is so easy in our every day life to get bogged down and stick to a routine. To cling to what feels normal and familiar because it allows us to feel comfortable and safe. We think that because we live in a place we have all the time in the world to explore it. So what do we do, we end up staying in every weekend instead of pushing ourselves out of that bubble to try that new food, or a new art form, or a random adventure by ourselves. Well I say to heck with that! Find adventure in every day, be a tourist in your own city, take advantage of the little time we have on earth. Find time to search for the adventure that your heart needs, to take time for yourself. Don't get stuck in a rut of safe and comfortable, try to always push the boundary to live fully and dare deeply. The days fly by way too fast and before you know it you will be looking back at your life thinking what if? What if you could instead look back at your life and just smile and say heck ya. That's how I want to live. 
  4. Sometime you just need to let goI love to plan, to dissect a place and find the best things to do. I make lists and lists for my lists. But sometime I get so caught up in that plan that my mind thinks of what is coming next instead of where I am in the present. While I have been in Australia I have been trying to work on that, to really take in each moment, to let go of the plan and just exist and live in it. My dad has always told me to stop and smell the roses, I think he knows that I get caught up in trying to go everything and do everything, so this is his way of saying slow down, let go. Being in Australia has showed me the importance of that statement. It is in the moments that I truly let go, where I stopped to smell the roses and let myself enjoy the moment that I have enjoyed the most. It's the random stops on a road trip, staring at a massive sky filled with bright stars, seeing a koala holding it's baby close in the wild, laughing and sharing a bottle of wine with a close friend - those are the moments that I remember because I let go, and when you let go you gain so much more than you could ever plan. 
  5. The future is scary and exciting - While being abroad I have had a lot of conversations with different people about the future, about what our dreams are and where we see ourselves going. Since my program is a 5 year program, I still have one more year before I graduate but thinking of what happens after that is intimidating. I strongly believe that people get to different parts of there lives at different times. When the time is right you get a full time job, you settle down. However, there is still so much I want to do in my life, so many passions I want to pursue. I want to be a Park Ranger at a National Park, to travel the shores and mountains of far off countries, to road trip the US visiting every national park in my path, to live and love deeply, to backpack through the Swiss Alps, to pursue photography, to teach kids the importance of the environment, to salsa dance in Spain and spend months exploring New Zealand. I have so many things that I want to accomplish in the future. I know I may not get to all of them, but my goal is to take my life one day at a time, to let it take me where I need to go and have faith that I will end up where I need to be. I know my dreams may seem a bit far fetched for some but I know that I can live and experience as much as I can in my life if I work hard and jump fearlessly.  

Here are some of my favorite moments and photos from my time abroad:

Going home is going to be an adjustment. I’ve seen friends come home from study abroad and struggle to readjust back to their everyday lives. Reverse culture shock is something I know is inevitable. Yet I know that if I take what I have learnt while being abroad and apply it to my every day, I can keep adventuring and making the most out of this life I am lucky enough to live. How you live is a choice and I hope to keep living it with a smile on my face and a new adventure, mountain and friendship around each corner. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: Well it's been a lot of amazing weeks and the biggest risk I took was moving to Australia by myself and you bet your booty it was worth it. 



Mom & Dad

This past week my rents came to visit!! They arrived on the 2nd and I met them in Sydney to start our travels. We spent two days exploring Sydney, seeing the harbor and as many beaches as we could squeeze in. We then flew up to Cairns to start our east coast road trip. We spent two days in Cairns, one exploring the area and driving up to Port Douglas and the next day doing a boat tour out to the Great Barrier Reef. The boat for the tour we booked wasn't the shiniest in the lot, but it had a lot of character and was perfect for the day. We spent the day riding out to the reef and snorkeling in different spots. The next day we drove down to Townsville, stopping at waterfalls and bakeries for some authentic Aussie meat pies along the way. We then drove down to Airlie Beach where we took a tour out to Whitehaven beach and spent the day on the sand exploring and learning about the Whitsunday Islands. The sand was insanely soft and the water was a whole new shade of blue. Finally we headed down to Melbourne so I could show them around the place I have been lucky enough to call home for 4 months. We explored the Great Ocean Road, Phillip Island and all my favorite places in the city. It was a perfect trip with two of my favorite people and I am so grateful for them coming to see me and getting lost amongst the koalas and kangaroos with me.

Side blurb: This week I celebrated my 21st birthday. 21 for me marks a new era, a new chapter to grow and learn, a coming and ending of times. I have come so far and learnt so much in 21 years. About self love and respect and how following your heart and passions can lead you on some pretty amazing adventures. I've learnt of family and kindness, of friendships and empathy and of what happens if you take a chance. I've learnt that time goes by way to fast and that no matter how much I love planning, I can't plan every second of my life. Some of my favorite memories are of the moments where I did something wildly spontaneous and got completely caught in the moment, where I let go of control and just trusted. I've learnt that positivity and joy are a choice, that mountain tops offer a whole new sense of clarity, and that there is so many amazing places and people to meet in the world. Most importantly I have learnt how insanely lucky I am to be living the life I am. So here's to many more years of laughing way to much, making mistakes, exploring the world, letting go and enjoying the crazy ride. 

5 meat pies, 3 dance jams, 1 stinger suit, 2 bags of chicken chips, 1 snorkel, 2 boats, 3 waterfalls, 1 epic road trip, 3 rad Canadians, 10 koalas, 1 Great Ocean Road, 5 cities, 15 beaches, 20 long blacks, 2 cars, 4 checked bags, 1 boom netting ride and several car jams later I am filled with so much love for my rents. Them coming to visit and letting me show them the place I have fallen in love with was the greatest gift. They are a huge reason why I am not afraid to go on new adventures and move to new cities. They teach me every day to give it my all and not be afraid to jump into the unknown. Also they are the stinking' cutest couple there is. Love you both so insanely much. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week that was snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef - so freaking cool!

Byron Bay

5 full days of salty air, sandy toes and good vibes - what more could a gal ask for? Best part, I got to live out my life long dream of traveling and sleeping in a camper van all while experiencing the amazing beaches on Australia's east coast. Having ended our last week of classes, my good friend Jess and I decided to head up to Byron Bay for the long weekend. We flew in to Brisbane on Friday and picked up our home on wheels. Called the El Cheapo, our van from Jucy was a site to behold. Featuring two seats up front, a full bed in the back with a cooler, electric stove and pump stove, it had everything we could need. Our first stop was the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, the oldest and largest Koala Sanctuary in the world. I was able to finally hold a koala, something I have been wanting to do since I landed in Australia and it was well worth the wait. After we explored a bit of Brisbane, we spent the rest of the day heading down the coastal highway toward Byron Bay. We passed waterfalls, gorgeous mountain views, rolling farm hills, and the iconic Surfer's Paradise. That night we made it to Byron Bay and found a camper van park for the night. 

Byron is by far my favorite place I have been to in Australia. It's a quirky beach town, where every car is topped with a surf board, shoes are a foreign concept, hippies gather from every corner of the globe and good vibes flow in every direction. In short, it felt peaceful and harmonious, something that is hard to come by in today's world. It reminded me to slow down, go with the flow and take time to appreciate this life I am lucky enough to be living. As you drive into town you are welcomed with a sign to cheer up, slow down and chill out and that's just what we did. On Saturday we woke up to see the sunrise over the iconic Cape Byron Lighthouse, well worth the 5 am wake up call. After enjoying the view, we watched the surfers catch the early morning waves before wandering around town. In the late morning, we met up with our friends who had rented a villa in Byron (beyond thankful to them for letting us park in their driveway so we didn't have to pay to park in camper van parks every night). We spent the rest of Saturday at the beach, absorbing every bit of sunrise we could with them. Sunday was another day dedicated to the beach, soaking in the tide and the sun. On Monday, I did what anyone would typically do on a Monday morning, I jumped out of a plane and it was AMAZING. Now don't get me wrong, that moment dangling out of the plane before free falling, had my heart beating a million miles an hour. But I have never felt so alive and exhilarated. It was a weird mix of being in total peace floating through the air and losing my mind that I was flying or should I say falling. As soon as I landed I wanted to go up and do it all over again - sorry Mom and Dad. After an adrenaline rush in the morning we spent the rest of the day at the beach and ended the perfect day by walking to the lighthouse along the coast for sunset. On Tuesday, Jess and I had to head back to Brisbane to return our van. We woke up early and took the day to drive around and explore. It was my favorite sort of day, with only a few stops planned and everything else being spontaneous and surprising. We found the most beautiful places on accident and it was the perfect end to an amazing trip. Couldn't have asked for anything more; great vibes, sandy toes, and wonderful friends. As you can see from the pictures below life is freaking good (musings continued after).

4 waterfalls, 2 scenic routes, 6 beaches, 1 abandoned rail road, 1 Team GB, 2 sunsets, 3 family dinners, 2 birthdays, 1 lighthouse, 4 beaches with squeaky sand, 1 El Cheapo Camper, 2 snakes, 1 airplane, 3 lizards, 1 parachute, 5 new profile pictures, 6 VW vans, 300 new freckles, 20 surfers, and 5 days later I am filled to the brim with salt water and good vibes. Life in Byron Bay is what dreams are made of and I want to spend the rest of the days with sandy toes surrounded by salty air. Such a good long weekend with great friends in another beautiful place. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week I did so many new and exciting things. First, I held a koala!!!! Dreams do come true my friends and it was the cutest lil'fluff ball. Second, I got to drive around and sleep in a camper van!!! Third, I jumped out of an airplane and it was the most exhilarating experience. Now that's what I call a good week!


After traveling for the past few weekends it was nice to have time this week to explore the place I have been lucky enough to call home for the last few months. It's insane how quickly the time has gone by and as I look to the next month I want to see as much as I can of Melbourne before I leave. Mid-week, to take advantage of the beautiful sunny day, I headed out to St.Kilda to watch the sunset and see the penguins swim in from the sea for the night. The beach was packed with people all enjoying the sun, a stark difference to my first week here when it was freezing and deserted. It has been so fun to see the city come more and more to life as the weather heats up. On Friday I went to a market in Melbourne called the Finders Keepers Market. It was only on for the weekend and brought makers from all over Australia together to sell everything from handmade jewelry, to letterpressed cards, to clothes, to handmade candles (very similar to the City Flea for my Cincy peeps). I was giddy the whole time walking around just thinking about the big community of people around the world that are creating and making amazing things. It reminded me why I love design, screen-printing, letter-press printing and working with my hands to create something. On Saturday I went on my last trip with REAL Adventures (insert tears). This time we headed out to Mornington Peninsula and went to a local brewery and then some steamy hot springs. It was a relaxing and fun evening with people I have grown close to and the perfect end to all my adventures with REAL. The trips I have gone on with them have been some of my favorite memories while I have been abroad and I am so thankful to the awesome staff for putting up with me on every single trip and taking me on some rad real Aussie adventures. On Sunday, we took the day to just wander around the city and explore the iconic spots in Melbs. It was great day being tourists, riding the city circle tram, buying jam donuts at the Queen Victoria Market, exploring laneways and walking the length of the city blocks. And of course it wouldn't have been a true day in Melbourne without some random rain storms, thanks for staying true to you Melbs. 

Since this coming week is my last week of classes in Australia, I added some photos of where I have been studying to the end of the post. Swinburne University of Technology is a world-ranked university leading the way in innovation, industry engagement and social inclusion. Our education, high-quality research and industry partnerships create positive change for students, staff and the community. But to me Swinburne is a lot more. It has been an avenue for me to learn about design in a new setting and from new professors. Here the courses are a lot less structured compared to DAAP, so it has been nice to push myself to work a lot more creatively on projects I am passionate about. I have had the opportunity here to take courses that are not offered at DAAP such as Brand & Identity Design and Production Design, which allowed me to learn about subjects I am very interested in. Living on campus is also how I have made some of my closest friends, people that have truly made my experience here everything I ever dreamed of. Having a group to travel and experience new things with or to just play pool and chat with has made the days fly by and as we all realized this weekend, it is going to be very hard to say goodbye. But hey, at least I have friends in cool places around the world I can travel and visit right?!

Side blurb: My whole life my dad has always reminded me to stop and smell the roses. To really take in the moments and appreciate every second of them. Sometimes when I am traveling or in a new place I get so caught up and excited about the opportunities and possibilities of that place that I forget to slow down and take it all in. We all know that I love to plan, to dissect a place and find the coolest things to do. But sometime I get so caught up in that plan and seeing everything that my mind thinks of what is coming next instead of where I am in the present. While I have been here I have been trying to work on that, to really take in each moment because a few months from now I will be looking back at this time and aching for a time machine to take me back. Sometimes it is difficult to do because Australia still seems so surreal to me, so at times I find it hard to be present. So here's a note to myself - slow down Kaitlyn, take it all in, breathe and enjoy every last bit you have here. 

6 hot spring pools, 1 canceled train, 5 jam donuts, 1 laneway, 3 rain storms, 6 city blocks, 2 attempted hot spring whirl pools, 1 successful game of pool, 3 churches, 2 sunsets, 3 penguins, 1 conversation on swing dancing, 3 u-turns, 5 pizzas, 1 REAL trip and 2 tram rides later, I am feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Crazy to believe that I am done class this week. Here's to making the most out of my last few weeks and taking in every moment. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week that was relaxing in Australia's hot springs - steeeaaaammmmyyyyyy. 


When I was little I used to dream about seeing the Sydney Opera House and I never thought I would make it to Australia to actually see it this early in my life. But guess who just made her 5 year old self so proud?This girl!! This weekend was spent in the iconic Australian city of Sydney exploring all the monuments, national parks and beaches it had to offer. On Friday we arrived in the afternoon and spent the night exploring the city and meeting up with some students studying abroad in Sydney. It was interesting to swap stories and see the differences in our abroad experiences. On Saturday we headed out to the Blue Mountains, a two hour train ride outside of Sydney. The Blue Mountains have been on my list since before I came to Australia as they are the most popular National Park in Australia. The weather however did not cooperate with us for the day and we spent it trudging around in the fog attempting to make out at least one view. Thankfully I love when fog rolls through trees so I was able to stay positive even though the iconic views were hidden. We all know I can never stay mad when I am surrounded by nature. On Sunday, Jess and I went to a morning service at Hillsong, a mega church in Australia. It was a great way to start the day with a talk about contentment and how to not settle in your life, to keep searching for your dreams and goals, something I have been trying to do myself. We spent the rest of the day exploring the harbor and seeing all that Sydney had to offer. On Monday, we finally had a sunny day so we decided to do the Coogee to Bondi beach walk. A three hour hike that connects the two beaches and passes beautiful spots along the coast. The day was spent in the sun and ocean and was the perfect ending to a eventful weekend in Sydney. It was a great few days seeing unbelievable sites with a girl squad everyone should be jealous of. Check out the moody pics below (musings continued after).

Side blurb: One of my favorite parts about DAAP is the co-op program in which we alternate semesters of school with semesters of co-op/internship in design, graduating with over a year and a half of experience. I have completed three internships and these past two weeks I have been looking for my fourth one for this coming semester. It was a crazy couple of weeks full of middle of the night interviews due to time change. And even with interviews at insane times, they never fail to give me an adrenaline rush. It is so exciting to see what people in the industry are doing and what opportunities are out there. Anyway, the real reason I am talking about interviews is because I want to talk about a question that I got asked. I am used to the typical questions; tell us about yourself, why are you in design, where do you want to go with design, why are you interested in our company, etc. But in this one particular interview I was asked: Who is your idol? Without even a breath, I said my sister, Meghan. From birth she has been my best friend, my inspiration, my idol. In my time here I have had a lot of time to reflect on who I am and to think about who helped shape me into that person. There have been so many people along the way that I owe who I am too and I truly believe that you learn something from everyone you meet. But growing up being Meg's little sister is where I get the characteristics I am most proud of. If you know Meg and know her well, you know that she is bold, she is wise beyond her years, she is compassionate and cares for people on a level I never knew was possible, she is beautiful in every fiber of her being and she is unapologetically herself. Growing up I used to be intimidated that I had to live up to the standard that she set both at home and at school. Yet it was the greatest gift she could have given me. I pushed myself to grow and to do well in class, to push the envelope and to fight for what I believed in and most importantly I learned to be confident in myself and own who I am. I never saw both Meg and I doing design, but I think we were both drawn to it for similar reasons; to problem solve, create visual solutions, and ignite change. At first I was aggravated to be following in her footsteps again, however it has turned out to be another things that brought us closer together. Design has allowed us both to study at the same school and grow even closer as roommates, sisters and best friends. While I may no longer follow Meg around the coffee table and do a front roll when she does one, she is still the reason I push to follow my dreams and believe in myself. Meg, thank you for always encouraging me and believing in me when I couldn't find it in myself to. You are the reason I am able to be unapologetically myself and fight for the things I think are right. I miss you more than I can explain and can't wait for us to create Eleniak Design and keep kicking butt for the next 150 years. 

3 beaches, 12 huge bubbles, 2 coastal walks, 2 ocean dips, 1 sunburn, 2 cloudy days, 1 opera house, 5 jellyfish, 1 acai bowl, 4 rides on the steepest railroad, 2 long train rides, 1 nude beach, 30+ miles of walking, 1 sunny day and so many good memories later I am full of so much love for Sydney. I am now getting to the point where I can see the finish line of my time abroad and it is so surreal. Up until this point it has seemed like I have had all the time in the world and now here we are over 3 months in, with 2 weeks left of classes and a little over a month before I go home. Why you got to play me like that time? Here's to taking advantage of my last moments here and to not forgetting to stop and smell the roses. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week that was seeing the Sydney Opera House. Something I never thought I would have the opportunity to see this early in my life, but I did it!

Surf's Up

This week was full of absolute legends and killer vibes. As I near the three month mark of being in Australia I of course had to do the most Australian thing I could think of. What was it you ask?? Well shredding some gnarly waves of course! In the middle of the week for one of my pals birthday we took the train down to Torquay, rented boards and spent the day surfing. The best part? I managed to get up for a half a millisecond!! It was a stellar day spent out on the water, taking in the sun with a group of friends I have become super close with. As for the weekend, I had two trips with REAL Adventures to look forward to. On Saturday we headed to Phillip Island, about a two hour drive from Melbourne. Three things you need to know about Phillip Island: 1. It's beautiful (insane coast lines and views in every direction) 2. They have a penguin parade (no there aren't floats but there are super cute penguins waddling across the sand)  3. The Hemsworth's grew up there (Chris where you at?!). The day was spent exploring beaches, boogie boarding down sand dunes and watching penguins waddle across the sand - heck ya! On Sunday with REAL we headed to Torquay. This time we got an actual surf lesson, so my skills improved immensely, meaning I got up on the board for a full millisecond this time! After we shredded the waves for a couple hours we headed to Bell's Beach, home of the Rip Curl Pro, so cool! The weekend trips with REAL are always an amazing way to see places around Melbourne and the local staff always makes it a hoot and a half. Thanks for another rad two trips REAL! Check out the pics to see how beautiful the beaches were this weekend (musings continued after):

Side blurb: This week I thought a lot about connections. Perhaps it's my interview brain as I look for an internship for next semester or just being around and meeting so many amazing people every week, but when asked about what I am passionate about, my first response is always people and connections. While I am super passionate about mountains, design, photography and all that good stuff; it's the people I share it with that truly make the experience. The laughs, stories, talks of far off places, the sharing of dreams and goals. Knowing what makes people tick and understanding where they come from and who they are, that is what fills my heart. Throughout this experience I have been able to make so many connections with people from all over the world and I catch myself feeling so incredibly happy and full of energy when I am around them. Just watching new people connect over a common love and seeing new friendships form is the coolest thing to watch. It's like seeing someones face when they see a beautiful landscape or a massive city for the first time. That sense of excitement and disbelief that something so cool and interesting could exist and that they are getting to experience it. That is what life is about, making connections, spreading good vibes, and finding those moments of disbelief. For me the excitement of new friendships and connections is the only cup of coffee I need.

2 surf trips, 357 wipe-outs, 20 swarming seagulls, 2 REAL Adventures, 1 gnarly sun burn, 10 penguins, 6 footie tosses, 5 pelicans, 1 sand dune, 2 jam sessions, 3 boardwalks, 7 beaches and 358 waves later, I am filled to the brim with salt water and happiness. I even have smile tan lines from this weekend because I smiled and laughed so much. So shout-out to new adventures that fill my soul with new places and people, I owe you the world and my new, super cool tan lines. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week that was surfing in Australia. While the waves won that round - I bet you with a little practice and good vibes I'll be shreddin' in no time.


An island covered in National Parks, mountains and rugged coast lines - sounds like heaven right? Well I give you Tasmania, the land of my dreams and the latest journey in my time abroad. We began our adventure mid-day on Friday with a quick one hour flight from Melbourne to Launceston. After getting our rental car and a quick stop at Annie's Take-Away we headed directly to the coast to explore Mount William National Park and Bay of Fires. Bay of Fires is miles and miles along the coast of bright orange rocks, so cool! From there we headed to Cole's Bay and our hostel for the night to get some sleep before (you know what I'm gonna say next) an early wake up for the sunrise!!! Heck ya! Nothing like a 4:45 am wake up call and chilly hike to get your blood pumping and mind buzzing. We hiked up to the Wineglass Bay lookout and watched the sun rise over the coast before starting the 3 hour hike up Mount Amos for an ever more stellar view of the bay. The hike to the top of Mount Amos was essentially one large rock scramble which proved to be intense but so much fun. The 360 views at the top did not disappoint and made the hike so worth it. After the hike/slide down the mountain we got on the road again and headed down the coast to Tasman Peninsula where we stopped at Tasman Arch, Devil's Kitchen, Tasman Blowhole and Tessellated Pavement. To end the day we hiked the Cape Huay Track, a 4 hour return hike that follows the coast to the outmost point, offering stunning views and towering cliffs at every turn. What I thought would be a easy sunset hike, turned out to be a pretty strenuous one, do your research folks! Huge shoutout to my travel buddies for being such good sports and exploring so much nature with me in one day, you all are the best. After the hike and a failed attempt to see the Southern Lights we headed to Hobart, Tasmania's capital, for the night. On Sunday we changed our plans from a day of driving and hiking and opted to stay in Hobart. We drove up Mt. Wellington, the mountain right by Hobart with amazing views of the city, ate brunch at a local cafe, went on a tour of the first brewery in Australia, and explored the Modern Art Museum. Some times changed plans and spontaneous choices can turn into a perfect day filled with views, beer and art. Never be afraid of being spontaneous and changing plans. Change is good my friends, something I am trying to learn myself. Check out the pictures below to see how insanely beautiful Tasmania is (musings continued after):

Side blurb: While this weekend was amazing in so many ways, it was also a very hard couple days for me. My cousin's wedding was on Sunday in Canada and while I knew when I agreed to study in Australia that I would miss it, I wasn't prepared for the tides of emotions that came with that. Their wedding was the first time in probably 5 years that everyone in my family - cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents - were all together at once. So to miss that took its toll. Studying Abroad has been so rewarding and I know that this experience will live with me forever, but it's moments like this that make it incredibly hard. I am so thankful to my family for the numerous facetimes, videos, and pictures that I received as it allowed me to feel as much like I was there as possible. Josh and Sarah - I am so so excited for you both and this new journey in your lives. I wish more than anything I could have been there to eat perogies, celebrate your love and Ukrainian dance the night away. I wish you so many days filled with love, happiness, adventure, excitement and fresh powered slopes. Welcome to the family Sarah!

1 successful weekend navigating with a map, 2 sunrises, 3 gnarly bruises, 1 rental car, 4 mountains, 2 sunsets, 3 hikes, 2 blisters, 5 tourist spots, 8 jam sessions, 1 Annie's take out, 1 delayed flight, 2 beer flights, 3 hostels, 3 wallabies, 6 abandoned beaches, 3 group hugs, 8 facetimes, and lots of emotions later, I am filled to the brim with a weekend full of rad adventures with wonderful friends. While I had my ups and downs this weekend I am so thankful to my travel ladies for helping me through it and keeping me positive and reminding me to just keep smiling. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week that was exploring Tasmania, a brand new, stunning place. Definitely made the top of my list on places I have traveled to.

High Koality Views

This week was full of road trips, hikes, waterfalls, sunshine and beautiful sites - all of my favorite things. Even better is that I didn't have to wait for the weekend for the adventures to begin! On Wednesday our local friend/tour guide extraordinaire Joey had the day off work and took us up to the Yarra Valley to see Steavenson Falls. It felt so good to wake up early and hit the trail mid-week and see an amazing waterfall. Getting back into the school flow has been a challenge after a week in Bali so it was nice to get away for a day to clear my head before grinding on some designs. Nothing like a little nature to inspire those big ideas. After the week was over, our other Aussie friend Maddy took us to Phillip Island to explore the Phillip Island Wildlife Park. The weather finally started to warm up so it felt amazing to be outside hangin' with the roos, dingos, koalas, wombats and emus - heck to the freaking ya! We spent the rest of the day exploring the island, eating lunch by the water and checking out the local beaches. Two great days during the week with two rad locals. On Saturday I got to go on another adventure with REAL Australia - the rad tour group that takes students on some real Aussie adventures. This time we explored the Great Ocean Road, one of the best coastal drives in Australia. It was a jam packed 14 hour day full of koala spotting, beautiful coast views, waterfalls, the 12 Apostles and Loc Ard Gorge. It was a perfect day spent with an awesome group of international students and 2 rad staff members from REAL. The trips they plan have been some of the highlights of my time here so far I can't wait for the next ones, getting that REAL Aussie experience (musings continued after). 

Side blurb of the week: Each week I have been trying to do one thing a day that scares me. I think a big reason, other than wanting to get out of my comfort zone, is wanting to fight the fear of failure I know I and everyone face in our daily lives to some extent. It's crazy how often in life we hold ourselves back due to that fear of failure. Whether it be with a job, relationships, a new hobby or sport, it may be consciously or subconsciously but there always seems to be that voice in the back of our head giving us a million reasons to not go for it. Well screw that voice. Do what freaks you out, try new things, fail and fail again. How else are you going to grow as a person and discover new things about yourself and the world? While I'm here and hopefully for the rest of my life, I am trying not to be afraid to fail and change as that is what leads to those life altering, heart pumping moments and isn't that what we live for? It's so easy to find those places we feel comfortable in, that we can just exist in. Yet we aren't really living because we aren't pushing ourselves out of that bubble to try that new food, or a new art form, or a random adventure by yourself. Be afraid, feel your pulse quicken and heart race. Don't get stuck in a rut of safe and comfortable, try to always push the boundary to live fully and dare deeply.

2 waterfalls, 1 trip to Beechworth Bakery, 3 road trips, 5 koalas, 20 kangaroos, 6 tacos, 4 rainbows, 2 rain falls, 4 scenic look outs, 5 danish rap songs, 2 new blisters, 5 jam sessions, 1 speeding ticket, 3 beaches and so many laughs later I am beaming from ear to ear. I had a lot of moments this week where I reflected on my life and my time here. There are days where my heart aches to see my family and friends at home, where I wonder if the distance is worth it. However, in the car with the sun casting shadows through the trees as we zoomed down the Great Ocean Road I knew I made the right choice to come here. I feel light and so positive about how many adventures and new friendships life can be full of. There are so many new places to discover and I hope to experience as many as I can throughout my life. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week that was spotting koalas in the wild. Nothing better than running around and searching eucalyptus trees for those lil' fluff balls.  

Bali & Bintangs

If you had told me five years, even 6 months ago that I would be traveling the world with a bunch of international students that I just met while studying abroad in Australia I'd have laughed in your face. Yet this past week with 1 Swede, 1 Irishman, 1 Englishman, 3 Americans, 2 Danes, and 1 Australian, I went on the most amazing trip to Bali, because what else would you do during a mid-semester break? 

Indonesia is unlike anything I have experienced before while traveling. It is the first place that I have traveled to that has culturally felt very different, which made it immensely exciting from the second we stepped off the plane into the chaos of taxi and scooter filled streets. We spent the week traveling from place to place, seeing as much as we could of Bali and eating as much Mie Goring as possible. The first night we got in late and spent the night in Kuta before checking into our beautiful villa in Canggu for the next three nights. Canggu was probably my favorite place we stayed. While we did stay in a villa it was on a rural back street surrounded by locals and I truly felt immersed in the culture and people. While at the villa we spent a day living our best lives at Potato Head Beach Club and swimming in the ocean. The next day we woke up at 1 am to hike a volcano and see the sunrise (HECK to the YA). We began the trek at 4 am and the 2 hour hike was so worth it for a sunrise unlike anything I have ever seen. We spent the rest of the day running down dirt paths with our amazing guide and exploring sea side temples. The following day we caught a fast boat out to Gili T, an island off the coast of Bali. We spent 24 hours there, snorkeling and exploring - if you ever go to Bali, make sure you check out Gili T, so fun! For our final two nights we caught a boat back in to Bali and stayed in Ubud, much more touristy than the other areas we stayed in but still amazing. We spent those last days exploring waterfalls, temples, rice pattys and squeezing as much into our last days as possible. Bali was incredible and the group of mates I got to go with made it that much better. I don't think there was one moment when I wasn't laughing or having the time of my life - heck to the freaking ya to this past week and the people I got to spend it with. 

Side blurb: For as long as I can remember I have dreamed of travel and grand adventures. Of meeting new people from all of the world, experiencing new cultures and climbing new mountains. It's crazy to think that I am now living that dream, that I went for it and made it happen. WHAT. I found a quote this past week that I felt captured the way I aim to live my life: "Always do what ignites your soul with purpose. Do what makes your eyes smile and well up with tears of joy. It may be a partner, career, hobby or sport, moving to a new place, or just being right where you are now but seeing it with new eyes. Go where you are called, and do it with conviction and a smile on your face. Keep striving and discovering yourself." It's so easy to make excuses for why you shouldn't do something, but sometimes in life you just have to get out there and do it. While I may not know exactly where I am going in life or what I am doing, I have no fear that if I continue to follow my passions and dreams I will end up just where I need to be, and it will be one heck of a ride. Here's to a rad week with amazing friends in a beautiful new country (musings continued after):

1 waterfall dip, 10 group selfies, 4 boat rides, 7 sunsets, 10 rad friends, 1 killa villa, 2 delayed flights, 250 Bintangs, 1 new country, 4 temples, 1 lost go-pro, 4 scooters, 5 sea turtles, 100 servings of Mie Gorengs, 1 gnarly wipeout, 500 arguments about pronunciation, 1 amazing sunrise hike, hundred of friendly locals, and hours of laughter and adventure later I am feeling so alive and filled with love. Bali is by far one of my favorite places I have ever been, filled with vibrant culture and some of the most beautiful landscapes. Southeast Asia you did not disappoint and I can't wait to come back in the future and explore more. Here's to a rad week, in a rad place, with some rad mates. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week that was riding a scooter and holy cow was it fun! As uncoordinated as I may be I did manage to stay on and tear up the Bali streets.