
I have always dreamed of the Pacific Northwest. The foggy, rainy, crisp weather, the mountains, the pine trees, the promise of an adventure at every turn – it sounded like a dream. Being in California for another semester, I made a promise to myself to make sure I got up to the corner of the country I had day-dreamed of for so long. Thanks to beautiful friends in beautiful places I was able to make it happen (Sara, you’re the greatest!).

Let me tell you, Seattle did not disappoint. There were endless National Parks and trails to explore and endless adventures to go on. How could I choose what to do?! All I have to say is 48 hours is not enough time to explore all that Seattle has to offer (all the more reason to go back). But in those 48 hours I was able to fall in love with it all and realize that this magical place was just as I had dreamed it would be. The pine trees and mountains brought be back to where I grew up in Canada and made my heart sing. The world is such a beautiful, majestic place and I feel so lucky that I get to experience beautiful places like Seattle. Who knows maybe one day I will end up in the PNW!

1 foggy drive to Mt. Rainier, 1 (way to small) serving of mac & cheese, 1 comfy ass bed, 1 National Park, 2 gal pals, 2 zipcars, 5 spotting of Mount Rainier, 3 patches, 1 burger, 2 trail falls and so many life chats later, my weekend in Seattle was pure perfection. I am so thankful to have friends that let me stay with them and experience new places. Here’s to finding new adventures and getting out and exploring all the beautiful places in the world.

Cheers - keleniak
