Road Trippin'

Growing up Meg and I were lucky to get to go on road trips with our parents every summer, exploring and driving across different provinces in Canada and states in the US. We would spend weeks in the car seeing new sites, doing activity books and stopping at random rest stops to eat lunches Mom packed us out of the cooler. It is one of my favorite memories from my childhood and those trips made me love road tripping and exploration and appreciate how much of a place you can experience by just driving.

This past week Meg and I got to get back to our roots and road tripped across the country to San Francisco for my last internship (WHAT). The road trip took things full circle for me and brought back those same moments and joys of road tripping as a kid (with a little less "are we there yet?"). It was also the perfect last hoo-rah, sister adventure for Meg and I as she gets ready to move to Chicago for a big-kid, full time job. We got to see old friends, hike through beautiful landscapes and sing a little to loudly to Mama Mia – all the signs of a great road trip. 

Throughout life Meg and I have had similar passions which has brought us to pursue similar career paths with Graphic Design. I am forever thankful for this because it allowed us to study at the same University and gave us four years to grow even closer. Meg has been my person and confidant for 21 years and it is so scary for me to think about going back to Cincinnati in 4 months and her not being there. It is the beginning of a new chapter for both of us which is terrifying but so exciting. She is going to do amazing things and I know this new start in Chicago is going to be the beginning of an beautiful, thoughtful, wild adventure for her and I could not be more excited. Meg, thank you for putting up with me for not just these past 8 days in the car but for the past 21 and pushing me to follow my heart and love who I am. You have given me so much and I can't even begin to thank you enough for being you. Chicago is gaining a bad ass, amazing woman. I love you so much.

Here are some of my favorite mems from the trip (musings continued after):

1,000s of miles, 11 states, 100 WILD views, 8 days, 4 pieces of New Mexico jewelry, 800 Sonic's in Texas, 2 National Parks, 1 poopy smelling airstream trailer, 1 rainy hike, 50 "seaweed" clusters, lots of giggles, 1 book, 5 full run throughs of the Mama Mia soundtrack, and no one I would have rather shared it with. Meg, you are the greatest best friend and sister I could ever ask for. I am so thankful that we got to adventure together for a week before you move to Chicago and start your big girl job and I start my last internship. You are going to take Chicago by storm and know I am always cheering you on and screaming THAT'S MY SISTER. Love you so incredibly much. 

Cheers - keleniak
