Ell & Les

This past week two of my dearest buds, Ellie and Leslie, came to visit. These two have been by my side through every moment of university. I met Leslie on move in day as I walked around the hallway of my dorm searching for someone to eat dinner with. Lucky enough she agreed and I haven't let her get rid of me ever since. Ellie, I met the summer after our first year when we were both orientation leaders. We have been there for each other through every PAC event, CO-OP, random party, trivia night, study abroad and everything in between. Not only are Ellie and Leslie wonderful friends but they are both insanely inspiring women. Leslie has a huge heart and a soul of pure gold. Her laugh instantly makes you smile and laugh, even if you have no idea what she is laughing at. Ellie, with her fiery spirit, has a passion and a drive that are unmatchable. These gals are going to do some incredible things in life and I am so incredibly lucky to be able to call them my friends. To Elle & Les, thank you for not only coming out to see me in SF but for always being there for me even when my life takes me away from Cincinnati for over a year. I don't know what I did to deserve friends as great as you. (Also shoutout to Kat, even though you couldn't come, love and miss you lots).

Here is some pics from part of our adventure (musings continued after):

7 self-timed photos, 2 gal pals, 10 jokes about shoulders, 2 pizzas, 3 ice-cream references, 1 Jeff, 6 free beers, 1 zip-car, 6 beaches, 5 days of fog and so many laughs and hugs later, I am so thankful that these two would cross the country to come visit and explore California with me. While life may take us different ways on new adventures, I have no doubt that I have found friends for life with these two. Love ya!

Cheers - keleniak
