
This past Friday, Meg flew in to San Francisco to spend the weekend with me. Something I am so incredibly grateful for as she is in midst of working on her capstone and getting ready to graduate in 2 short months (WHAT). But she still took the time to come out and hang out with me in SF, how lucky am I?! It was the perfect weekend full of adventures and of course lots of amazing (gluten and dairy free) food. 

The weekend flew by quickly but it was so nice to be able to catch up and spend quality time with just her. We were able to see each other for a couple weeks at Christmas, but between family visiting and the general craziness of the holidays, it felt like we didn't have a moment to just sit and catch up on life. As I sat doing laundry a few hours ago after she left for the airport, it hit me how much our conversations and time together leave me centered and hopeful. Meghan has always inspired me, something I talk about often because she has been a huge influence in who I am. Every time we are able to have time one-on-one I am reminded of the amazing person she is. She has the spirit of someone much older and wiser than her and has always had the ability to see things in different, powerful perspectives. She is analytical, passionate, wildly sarcastic and cares so deeply for people and issues close to her heart. It takes a while for her to trust, but when she trusts you, she trusts and cares for you with her whole, fiery heart of gold. Being able to talk to her about the future, about dreams, about my day to day life, is something I live for and being able to do that this weekend was just what I needed. 

Here are some photos from the weekend (musings continued after):

3 days, 1 gluten free pizza, 2 near falls, 1 road trip, 2 sunsets, 1 zipcar, 4 cocktails, 3 embroidered pairs of jeans, 2 bags of gummy worms, 4 beaches, 1 museum, 2 Eleniaks and so many amazing conversations later, I feel ready to tackle the world. Thank you Meg for being the best big sister and inspiration a little sis could ask for. As graduation gets closer for you, I get more and more freaked out about the possibility of you moving far away from me. But I am so thankful that you are stuck with me for life and can't wait to see all the incredible things you do and places you go.

Cheers - keleniak
