Alamere Falls

Weekends living in San Francisco are my absolute favorite as they always hold the possibility of new adventures. While I love living in the city, the best part about it's location is how close it is to so many national and state park. You get the best of both worlds, a lively city surrounded by coastal views and rolling hills. This weekend we headed out to Point Reyes National Seashore and did the 12 mile hike to Alamere Falls. It made for a perfect day surrounded by trees, rolling hills and the coast. There is nothing I needed more than to get outside for some fresh salty air to clear my head. Huge shoutout to my buds in SF for always being down to explore new places and for putting up with my crazy antics and constant excitement for the outdoors. 

Side blurb: Normally when I write blog posts, I try to be optimistic and energetic about the future and the possibilities of what my life can hold. However, I want to be transparent and honest through these posts. While I try to be optimistic in my day to day, there are so many days where I have a heavy heart and my soul feels exhausted with not knowing what to do with my life and wondering about the future. I feel like I am a big turning point in my life. I have a year left of school and my whole future lays ahead of me. Yet there are so many unknowns, which can be so exciting but it can also be so intimating and exhausting. I talk about wanting adventures and new experiences constantly, yet getting there is sometimes hard to think about and the fear of not getting there is terrifying. I know I will figure it out and life will take me where I need to go. But sometimes the journey there can be tough and trying. So, here's to realizing that there are good days and bad days and sometimes you just have to put a lil' trust in life's plan and know that it will all work out. 

1 12 mile hike, 4 waterfalls, 15 handstands, 30 terrible nature jokes, 2 car jams, 2 bucket hats, 1 missed trail marker, 2 unstable cliff climbs, 4 gal pals and a heck of a lot of laughter later my soul is full of so much salty air and rolling hills. I wish I could live in moments like this every day. But here's to figuring out this crazy thing we call life one day at a time. 

Cheers - keleniak
