
This past week was my first week of classes at Swinburne and let me tell you, professors with Australian accents make lectures 100x more interesting. Then again I probably spent more of the class listening to their accents then really paying attention to what they were saying (whoops). As much as I love DAAP, I am excited and eager to have a semester learning in a new place and hopefully gaining a different perspective on design to channel into my work.

As for adventures, this Saturday we spent the day wandering around the city. Starting in the botanical gardens, we explored monuments and buildings before ending with a sunset over the ocean. Melbourne is full of art and culture and every time I set out I discover something new down random side alleyways and streets. Sunday, we headed out of the city to Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary where we got to see platypus, koalas, emus, kangaroos, dingos and more of Australia's wildlife. We spent the day driving around the Yarra Valley and learnt how to throw a boomerang (it ain't that easy) and an Australian football, stopping to taste some of the local wine and chocolate. It was a perfect weekend full of city and countryside adventures, check it out below (musings continued after).

1 solid session of neon mini golfing, 3 koalas, 7 kangaroos, 10 games of pool, 1 Bali booked flight and 17 extended views of mountains later, I am feeling happy and so at peace in Australia. Seeing glimpses of mountains this weekend made my heart yearn to hike them and I can't wait to get out there and experience more of what Australia has to offer. Also it feels so dang good to pick up my camera again and have it strapped over my shoulder wherever I go, don't know why I ever put it down - never give up on the things you love. 

xo - keleniak 

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/slightly scary thing a week: This week that was seeing some of Australia's wildlife. And let me tell you Koalas are just as cute in person. 

p.s.s. Turns out that throwing yourself into a new situation, in a new country, where you know no-one can turn out to be pretty rewarding. Everyday I try to push myself out of my comfort zone, to let go and to do stuff for myself and it has already taught me a lot... and its only day 21, WHAT. #heckyaaustralia