Rug Up

If you know me, you know that nothing clears my head or fills my soul more than lacing up my hiking boots and hitting the trail. This weekend thanks to 2 bad ass Aussies, I was able to do just that. When I read a post on a Melbourne Adventurer's group on Facebook about checking out Trentham Falls, I eagerly responded, anxious to get out of the city. Joey and Tamara, graciously decided to meet three strangers and show us some amazing sites off the tourist path (heck to the freaking ya). We met before the crack of dawn and spent the day exploring beautiful places, swapping stories, and singing way too loudly to 90s tunes. So a huge shoutout to Joey and Tamara, for picking up three random girls and giving us a bad ass day of epic adventures and new friendship. As you can see in the images below - the outdoors here are what dreams are made of (musings continued after):

2 meat pies, 1 Bali planning meeting, 3 incredible waterfalls, 1 booked flight to Sydney, 4 rad Aussies, and countless hours of adventure later I am feeling alive and refreshed. Life is starting to finally seem real here as the shock of actually being in Australia wears off. It is crazy that it has already been 3 weeks, it has flown by. So here's a reminder to myself to slow down, take it in, smell the roses, and let go. 

Cheers - keleniak

p.s. Before this experience I promised myself I would do one new/possibly scary thing a week: This week that was going to a footie (AFL) game. So freaking entertaining to watch - youtube that ish, we need to bring it to North America.